Note: We accept all years of baseball cards but we are particularly interested in cards from the last three years and cards of players still playing. Many of the baseball cards we receive go to kids and the kids are most interested in the players currently playing and thus a need for these modern baseball cards. Again, any and all baseball cards are appreciated and we can find a use for them, but if you have modern baseball cards that would otherwise be sitting in boxes, please considering donating them to us.
If you have a baseball card collection or just a few random baseball cards, please consider donating them to us. Not only will they be greatly appreciated, but they will also be used to create a whole lot of good. For those who do decide to donate baseball cards to us, this is how they get used:
Our two primary goals with donated baseball cards are to give them to children’s hospitals (along with other at-risk kids and youth organizations) and to teachers to teach math skills and as prizes. We’ve had to get a bit creative, as over the years what children’s hospitals and some youth organizations will accept has changed. In the early years it was possible to donate any baseball cards to the hospital, but today they require that all donations be made as new and unopened packs.
We achieve these two goals in the following way. If the baseball card has significant value, we sell it and use the money from the sale to buy new packs of baseball cards to give to the children in the hospital. We try to partner with companies to get these cards at discounted prices to further expand the amount we are able to give.
If a card doesn’t have enough value to make it worthwhile to sell, we create baseball card bundles for teachers. Currently, the teachers can use these baseball cards as prizes to give to the students in their classes. We’re also in the process of creating a baseball card math bundle that will include baseball cards and a lesson plan that teachers can use to help teach math concepts such as percentages to the students utilizing baseball cards. We hope to ship out hundreds of these to any school that desires them, but especially to schools where there are severe budget restrictions.
If you’re still not sure whether or not to donate your baseball cards to us, here are a few reasons we think it’s a great choice.
It’s a Great Cause
If you’re looking to have your baseball card collection go to a good cause, this is one of the best ways to have that happen. Your donation will go to help bring joy to children fighting to recover in hospitals so they can take their minds off their condition and enjoy being a child for a short period of time. In addition, it will go to help students learn math in school and bring an interesting twist on an often challenging subject in school.
Great Value
We can typically get much better value from the cards than most individuals can get on their own. Since we have a list of buyers who support our cause, we can often get more for cards than a typical person could get from a baseball card dealer. In addition, we leverage our relationships with dealers and companies to get more cards for kids when we do purchase them. This makes donating to us one of the best ways to get the most value from the cards.
Share the Love
Donating your baseball card collection to us is a wonderful way to introduce a love of baseball cards to a new generation of kids who will hopefully grow up loving baseball cards as much as you did while growing up. The best part is that you’ll be providing this opportunity to a wide range of children that likely would never have this opportunity without your generous gift.
Tax Benefits
Donate Cards is a registered 501(c)(3) public charitable organization and because of this, any baseball card donations you make are tax-deductible on your federal taxes. If you’re interested in donating your baseball cards for the tax deduction, you can get more information about it here.
If you have any questions about donating your baseball cards to us, feel free to contact us and we’ll do our best to answer them.