Finding Averages Pokemon Trading Card Lesson Plan

Subject: Math

Grade Level: 4th/5th


  • Students must know how to add decimals before completing this lesson.


Students will be able to find the average weight of Pokemon characters.

Anticipatory Set:

  • Ask students to think of what it means to find the average of something.
  • Have partners discuss what average means.
  • Share out and write responses on the board.


  • Explain that students will be learning how to find averages of sets of data today. 
  • Begin with asking students to count the number of letters in their first name. 
  • Record the numbers on the board.
  • Model how to add the numbers and then divide by the total number of students in the class.
  • Explain those are the steps for finding the average of a set of data.
  • Show two Pokemon cards and write the weights of the characters on the board.
  • Model how to add the two weights together and then divide by the total number of data (2) to find the average weight of those two characters.
  • Model the same process with three cards.
  • Demonstrate how to fill this information into the Pokemon Average Weight Chart.

Guided Practice:

  • Give students a list of numbers (with decimals to the tenths column) to find the averages using mini-whiteboards or pencil & paper.
  • Have the students turn their whiteboards/paper to show you their answers.
  • Continue practicing finding averages with random numbers.

Independent Practice:

  • Pass out five Pokemon cards to each student.
  • Have the students fill in the chart by picking two characters to find their average weight.
  • Continue filling in that section by choosing two different characters to find their average weight.
  • Continue until all possible combinations of two characters have been completed.
  • Have students fill in the chart by picking three characters to find their average weights.
  • Continue filling in that section by choosing three different characters to find their average weight.
  • Continue until all possible combinations of three characters have been completed.
  • Have students finish filling in the chart by finding the average weights with all the combinations of four characters and all the combinations of five characters.


  • Exit ticket:  Give students three or four new Pokemon cards to find the average of the characters’ weights on a half sheet of paper.

More cards we accept

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