Parts of Speech Trading Card Lesson Plan

Subject: English-Language Arts

Grade Level: 2nd, 3rd, & 4th


  • This lesson can be adapted to any grade level’s writing standards.
  • Make sure the trading cards you distribute to the students have some kind of narrative about the player – not just statistics.
  • Students should have a basic understanding of nouns, verbs, and adjectives before completing this lesson.


Students will be able to identify nouns (common & proper), verbs, and adjectives.

Anticipatory Set:

  • Write this sentence (or a similar sentence of your choice) on the board:  

The fantastic Will Clark played baseball for the San Francisco Giants.


  • Underline “Will Clark” and “San Francisco Giants” in the sentence on the board.
  • Ask students what they notice about these words (i.e. They are capitalized).  
  • Explain that they are capitalized because they are Proper Nouns.
  • Underline the word “baseball”.  
  • Ask students which part of speech this is (i.e. noun).
  • Explain that baseball is a Common Noun.
  • Circle the word “fantastic”.
  • Ask students what function the word fantastic has in the sentence (i.e. It describes Will Clark).
  • Explain that fantastic is an adjective and that adjectives are describing words…they describe nouns.
  • Put a box around the word “played”.
  • Ask the students if they can do this…”Can you play?”
  • Explain that it is a verb because it is an action word.

Guided Practice:

  • Write another sentence on the board making sure to include at least one common noun, one proper noun, one verb, and one adjective.
  • Have the students use mini-whiteboards if available (or pencil & paper) to write the nouns in the sentence and turn their whiteboard to show you.
  • Ask the students to write the verb on their whiteboard/paper and show you.
  • Ask the students to write the adjective(s) on their whiteboard/paper and show you.
  • Continue this practice by writing more sentences on the board as needed.

Independent Practice:

  • Pass out sports trading cards to each student. (Two or three cards per student would be ideal).
  • Have the students fill in the Parts of Speech chart by finding common nouns, proper nouns, verbs, and adjectives written on the back of the trading card.


  • Call on a student to read a sentence from the back of his/her trading card.
  • Write the sentence on the board.
  • Call on a student (or ask for a whole class response) to tell you the noun(s) that should be underlined.
  • Call on a student (or ask for a whole class response) to tell you the adjective(s) that should be circled.
  • Call on a student (or ask for a whole class response) to tell you the verb(s) that should have a box around it.

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