Place Value Trading Card Lesson Plan

Subject: Math

Grade Level: 1st – 2nd


  • This lesson could be expanded to include writing numbers in word form.
  • This lesson could also be extended to include three digit numbers based on your grade level standards for place value.
  • You will want to use the Place Value Chart Worksheet for this lesson. (See Google Slide of Place Value Chart Worksheet).


  • Students will be able to identify the value of the digits in the tens & ones columns.
  • Students will be able to write numbers in standard form and expanded form.

Anticipatory Set:

  • Brainstorm a list of two digit numbers and write them on the board.


  • Explain that every digit in a number has a value based on its place value column.
  • Build the first brainstormed number using base ten blocks.  
  • Display the Place Value Chart and explain that the students will be using this chart to put the digits in the correct place value column.
  • Demonstrate how to draw the base ten blocks using “base ten shorthand”.
  • Ask the students to count up the number of tens blocks (longs) that were used and write that digit in the tens column.
  • Ask the students to count up the number of ones blocks (cubes) that were used and write that digit in the ones column.
  • Have the students skip count by ten to show the value of the tens digit. 
  • Write the value of the tens digit in the Expanded Form column with a + sign after it.
  • Have the students count by ones to show the value of the ones digit.
  • Write that value after the + sign in the Expanded Form column.
  • Explain that this is the way to write the number in expanded form.  When you add these two values together, you get the standard form of the number.
  • Write those vocabulary words on the board.
  • Continue building the brainstormed numbers with base ten blocks and filling in the chart on the board with the digits in the place value columns and writing the numbers in expanded form.

Guided Practice:

  • Make a list of at least 5 two digit numbers on the board.
  • Have partners use base ten blocks to build each number and practice writing the numbers in expanded form.

Independent Practice:

  • Pass out a sports trading card to each student (make sure each student gets a card with several two digit numbers on it).
  • Have students choose two digit numbers on the card to build using base ten blocks and then fill in the Place Value Chart with their numbers.


  • Call on students to show their card to the class, write one of the numbers they chose on the board, and show how they filled in the Place Value Chart with that number.

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