Subject: English-Language Arts
Grade Level: 1st-5th
- This lesson can be adapted to fit any grade level by adjusting the story writing requirements to fit your grade level’s narrative writing standards.
- Plan on this lesson taking several days to complete the writing process.
- You will need to copy the Plot Chart (see Google Slide)
Students will be able to write an imaginative story that includes a beginning, middle, and an end.
Anticipatory Set:
- Ask the students to think about the elements of a good story…what do all good stories have in common?
- Write their responses on the board.
- Teach the students that every good story has a beginning, middle, and an end.
- The beginning introduces us to the characters, setting, and the problem.
- The middle is full of details that show the problem as it builds.
- (For older students: introduce the climax – the highest point of tension in the story which leads into the ending)
- The end includes the solution to the problem.
- Show and explain the “Plot Chart” diagram on the board. This is a tool to help plan one’s writing.
Guided Practice:
- Explain that the students will practice filling in the plot chart together with the plot of a read aloud book the class has already heard.
- Have partners work together to practice using the plot chart with that text.
Independent Practice:
- Pass out one Pokemon card to each student.
- Tell the students that they are to imagine that their Pokemon character comes to life and is going to spend the day with them. They will write about their adventures for the day with their Pokemon character.
- Have the students fill out the plot chart with their ideas for their story (characters, setting, problem will be listed in the beginning). As they go up the plot chart, they will list the main events of their story, including the solution. (For older students they should include the climax before the solution.)
- Have students use their plot chart to help them write their story.
- Author’s Chair: Ask volunteers to read their story aloud to the class.